Worship Services at Victory Baptist Church
Staffed Nursery Provided
Sunday School/Bible Study: Sunday 10:00am
Worship Service: Sunday 11:00am
Afternoon Worship Service: Sunday 1:30pm (only on the last Sunday of the month)
Evening Worship Service: Sunday 6:00pm (except the last Sunday of the month)
Instead of an evening service on the last Sunday of each month we have a fellowship meal and an afternoon service.
Instead of an evening service on the last Sunday of each month we have a fellowship meal and an afternoon service.
Ladies’ Bible Study: Monday 7:00pm, Friday, 9:30am
Men's Bible Study: Thursday 7:00pm
Youth Group: Friday 7:30pm
Sunday School/Bible Study: Sunday 10:00am
Worship Service: Sunday 11:00am
Evening Service: Sunday 6:00pm
Sunday School: Sunday 10:00am
Worship Service: Sunday 11:00am
Evening Service: Sunday 6:00pm
Ladies’ Bible study: Friday 9:30pm
Worship Service: Due to Covid19 restrictions we will not be conducting in person worship at the building. Please join us for an online service by clicking on the link below.